Faculty Development Programme

The Faculty Development Programme at PIE INFOCOMM is a launchpad for building a successful and satisfying career for educators and researchers
in management, technology and allied areas. While most participants were highly experienced faculty members across pan India, a few exceptional candidates who are with a keen interest in an academic career. We have taken an initiate for strengthening the Intstituion intellectual infrastructure for man power through the Faculty Development Programmes (FDP). The Faculty Development Programmes of our program is focuses on:

1. Enhancing functional area expertise
2.Improving one's classroom delivery both as a teacher and trainer
3.Enhancing abilities for conducting meaningful research.

A potential participant would be a technical teacher, trainer or researcher employed in management schools, university departments, degree colleges, professional institutes, training centers of business enterprises, staff training institutes of central and state governments. The programme is especially helpful for participants, who teach technical areas and allied subjects relevant with CSE Department, Civil /Mechanical Department, EC/EN/EEE Department, BIOTECHNOLOGY Department, Chemical Department, Human Resources Department, Finance, computer applications, etc.
The course would contain following modules:
Module 1 Case and Teaching Skill Development
Module 2 Research Methodology
Module 3 Research Skill Development
Module 4 Area wise specialization
Module 5 Perspectives on Management wise
Module 6 Problem Solving

The applicant willing to participate in the programme shall enroll themselves or nominate their colleague(s) by filling the application form using the link
FOR INDIVIDUAL - Register yourself using this link - click here
FOR COLLEGE- Use this link for registration click here
Participants are required to complete the application form, with relevant details, confirmation of fee payment details, attach a recent resume.Incomplete applications or applications without confirmation of fee payment would not be considered. For more deatails: click here

Address for sending any queries through post:
B-12, Sector -E Above Andhra Bank
Aliganj, Lucknow 226024

For more details please contact-
Vijay Kumar Jaiswal
Email: hr@pieinfocomm.in
Mob: 9453760339/9621676532

Pie Infocomm